Insure your garden against drought!
For only $950 you get a 2000 litre tank with all the fittings – stainless steel inlet & overflow filters, a 25 mm outlet pipe and tap, and a 4 tap Pumpmaster pump. You will save nearly $300 on the normal retail price.
But, be quick – stocks are limited and they won’t last long at this price.

Pumpmaster JSL60PC Pump
This Australian-made pump produces high pressure and economical operation, A quality pump with a stainless steel body and corrosion resistant internals of impeller, diffuser, injector and nozzle of Noryl. Heads to 45M and flows to 57LPM. Self-priming on suction lifts up to 6M. They are ideally suited for pumping clean water from rainwater collection tanks. Handles up to 4 taps. Recommended retail price is $435.
Our price is $560 incl GST

For those who want a bit more insurance for their garden
For only $1225 you will get a 5500 litre tank with all the fittings – stainless steel inlet & outlet filters, a 25 mm outlet pipe and tap, and a 4 tap Pumpmaster pump. You will save over $300 on the normal retail price.
This price is for a limited time only